H&C Program

In cases of permanent residence applications made under Humanitarian and Compassionate considerations, a request is made to Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) to make an exception and allow an individual to apply for Permanent Residence when otherwise they would be ineligible.

The decision on such applications is made based on applicants overall circumstances and takes into consideration such factors as:

  • BIOC (Best Interest of Child), are there any minors who will be affected by the decision
  • applicant’s establishment in Canada
  • the mental health effect a removal will have on the applicant
  • what hardship would the applicant experience if the application was refused
  • does the applicant have a stable history of employment and has the ability to financially support themselves in Canada
  • what support is available in Canada to ensure applicant's financial and social support and establishment

An applicant under Humanitarian and Compassionate grounds is not the same as a Refugee Protection Claim. It is important to get proper legal advice and assistance before making and application based on Humanitarian and Compassionate grounds. The above factors are not exhaustive, every case is unique and professional help and guidance will help you put together a proper application and make sure the officer has the information required to make a decision.